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NAUTI has three key components.

  • NAUTI Core
  • NAUTI Sources
  • NAUTI Collections


NAUTI Core is the core library which glues all of the other components together. The library contains the core functionality such as the CLI entrypoint and collection models.

NAUTI Sources

NAUTI Sources define the Network Automation Tools in which NAUTI will use for gathering and reconciling information between systems. An example of a NAUTI Source could be IPFabric, NetBox and many more.

Currently Implemented:

  • IPFabric
  • NetBox
  • ClearPass

Configuration Parameters

NAUTI Sources require a configuration file. The configuration is typically <nauti-source>.toml such as ipfabric.toml. Each configuration can contain a number of parameters.

Type Description
default Contains source information such as url, credentials and options
vars Any variables to be passed to the source
expands Expand items such as "Et" to "Ethernet"
maps Maps one value to another value

Note: default url and credentials accepts environment variables to prevent storing sensitive information within plain text files.

url, credentials and vars supports using environment variables within the configuration:

    url = "$NETBOX_ADDR"
    credentials.token = "$NETBOX_TOKEN"

NAUTI Collections

NAUTI Collections are components of a network that are similar between different tools. For example a collection can be defined as a Device, Interface, PortChannel, Site and more. Each collection type is modeled within NAUTI Core.

An example device data model contains the following:

  • Hostname
  • Serial Number
  • IP Address
  • Site
  • OS Name
  • Vendor
  • Model

These collection models can be used within a NAUTI Source to gather information and translate it to the NAUTI Collection data model. This allows the data model to be used by a target NAUTI Source to add, update or delete records.

Implemented Collection Models

Name Fields Keys
devices sn, hostname, ipaddr, site, os_name, vendor, model sn
interfaces hostname, interface, description hostname, interface
ipaddrs hostname, ipaddr, interface hostname, ipaddr
portchans hostname, interface, portchan hostname, interface
sites name name

Configuration Parameters

NAUTI Collections require a configuration file. The configuration is typically <nauti-collection>.toml such as devices.toml. This configuration can contain a number of parameters.

Type Description
name Name of the collection
fields Allows for the filtering of collection model fields
sources Allows for additional settings to be passed into a collection for a specific source
options Optional parameters to pass into a collection